Brown Betty
8oz breadcrumbs
2lb apples, peeled and sliced
2-3 tablespoons golden syrup
2 tablespoons lemon curd
2-3oz butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon grated nutmeg
1 teacup of water
1 lemon (grate the rind)
Grease a pie dish and lay some of the breadcrumbs on the base. Cover with a layer of sliced apple, and pour over half of the golden syrup and half of the lemon curd. Dot this with the butter, and sprinkle with half of the spices, and half of the grated lemon rind. Continue to layer the dish, finishing with a layer of breadcrumbs. Dot the top with the remaining butter. Mix the juice of the lemon with the water, and pour over the pudding. Bake in the roasting oven of the Aga, with the cold shelf on the second rung down, and the grid shelf on the bottom. Keep checking, 35-45 minutes should do it.
More recipes can be found on Betty's Recipe Page.